Tuesday, May 26, 2015


So i haven't written here in a while...mainly because i have had too much going on with me. To be honest, i just have not being feeling very up to writing. I am super stressed with my masters thesis but hopefully in a couple weeks, i would have graduated and i will have more time to post on here.
Another reason why i haven't written here in also because i am one of the writers at Ezibota (click here to check it out). I am writing on there with a team of really cool writers. I am thinking of coming up with a post schedule, at least once a week? i don't know....i have being quite indecisive and just plain confused/lost lately. Anyway, whatever happens in the next few weeks, i will post about it.

PS: I am kind of thinking of making this blog solely about the poetry and maybe other things i find interesting once in a while? Again, indecisive...we will see what happens in the next few weeks.

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