Thursday, November 21, 2013

Too White??

What is “too white”?? Is it 5 shades lighter than Barack Obama or 3 shades lighter than Miley Cyrus?

So lately, I have being spending a lot of time by myself, thinking, writing, not sleeping and all that and I have being getting very interesting comments when I speak to people. The most surprising one is “you are being too white”. It’s always a brick to my skull that phrase and I have gotten it more times than an African should. My question, what is “too white”?

I thought we could only act based on our guts and heart not based on skin color. Well at least that’s what I thought, obviously someone thinks otherwise. Being the sentimental bastard I am, I am attracted to art, music, poetry and all that emotional crap. Yesterday I told my friend whom is by far more annoying (still care about the little fucker) than humanly possible that I am so bored with life(which I am actually, leave comments below of any advice) and I am searching a place online where I can go and like have a snack and watch/listen to live music and out of nowhere, he hit me with that large brick “you know you are not white right”?. Wait, what?? I’m not?? Shocker. I mean, I have a bathroom mirror, which I stare at everyday and I always assumed I was white.

Reverse. How does one act white?  My lack of attraction to basic everyday routine that people around me conform to makes me act a skin color lighter than myself? I am confused (no for real I am).  Like, is it humanly possible to be anything other than what you are? I am African, is it possible to act lets say, ASIAN(of Caucasian skin color)?? How does one act Asian?

I cannot understand the need for us to stereotype one another. Honestly, we are doing nothing other than bringing ourselves down by ourselves. If you want to go backpacking across the globe, buy a fucking backpack and set out. Do not glue yourself to a place just because people around you do not go backpacking across the globe. Seriously, we need to break free of the boundaries society has built around us. This is such a big world and there is so little time to do the things we want to do, who says a particular thing has to be only for Asians or Africans?

I do not even need to go into biological details of how we all look different based on our respective countries but I mean, that’s just physical appearance. Your brain was not programmed to act your race. Please, kids do not need to hear this “do not act white” crap people like to feed. Whatever you do, do it because you want to, do it because it makes you happy, do it because in your heart you know it is right for you, do not imprison your mind, break free of the boundaries of society, the world is your fucking oyster.

I like to read a lot of interesting things about the human psychology and how to better myself and I like live music and I love travelling to new places, if these make me several shades lighter than my skin color, then so be it. I mean, what is wrong with being who I am. I think this is the main reason why there is so much unhappiness in our communities. We prevent people from doing what makes them happy and they are left with nothing other than what we have told them is the definition of happiness and it gets them all confused in the head.

If you want to act black (whatever that is) do it, and if you want to act yellow, or green or blue, but please remember, do it because you want to and because it is the right thing for you. It’s all about YOU. YOURSELF.


  1. That is it.... Its going on G+. Even though I don't buy all the abstraction. I can't help but adore the while assertion.

  2. PS: I was commenting on the birthday post, not this.

    1. haha, i was a bit confused initially bt yh...i was overly emotional when i wrote that ^_^

  3. Seriously it's like you took the words right out of my mouth. I tend to get this reactions from people because I do not act like a typical northern nigerian girl. Who set the standard for what should and shouldn't be? like seriously. I cannot help the way I am nor am I willing to change myself to fit into what is considered the norm and I think it shouldn't be an issue at all. Thank you for putting this into words.

    1. I think it's very important that we remind people that we are not sorry for being exactly who we are and being interested in the things we are interested,white,blue....i'm like fuck it, i'm gonna do what makes me happy and thats it.
